Liu TW, MacDonald TD, Shi J, Wilson BC & Zheng G Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012 PET friendly: Labels for PET imaging are incorporated into completely organic porphysomes by using a fast (30 min), one-pot, high-yielding (>95 %) procedure to produce highly stable (>48 h) radiolabeled nanoparticles that show the highest specific activityContinue Reading

Roxin A, Chen J, Scully CC, Rotstein BH, Yudin AK & Zheng G Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2012 Here, we demonstrate a conjugation strategy whereby cyclic RGD-containing macrocycles are prepared using aziridine aldehydes, isocyanides, and linear peptides, followed by conjugation to a cysteamine linker. Our method involves site-selective aziridine ring-opening with theContinue Reading