Publications (Page 5)

Valic MS & Zheng G Theranostics, 2019 DOI: 10.7150/thno.34509 A critical step in the translational science of nanomaterials from preclinical animal studies to humans is the comprehensive investigation of their disposition (or ADME) and pharmacokinetic behaviours. Disposition and pharmacokinetic data are ideally collected in different animal species (rodent and nonrodent),Continue Reading

Harmatys KM, Overchuk M & Zheng G Accounts of Chemical Research, 2019 DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00104 The sun is the most abundant source of energy on earth. Phototrophs have discovered clever strategies to harvest this light energy and convert it to chemical energy for biomass production. This is achieved in light-harvesting complexes,Continue Reading

Philp L, Chan H, Rouzbahman M, Overchuk M, Chen J, Zheng G & Bernardini MQ Theranostics, 2019 DOI: 10.7150/thno.31225 Objective: To investigate Porphysome fluorescence image-guided resection (PYRO-FGR) for detection of uterine tumour, metastatic lymph nodes and abdominal metastases in a model of endometrial cancer. Methods: White New Zealand rabbits wereContinue Reading

Lou J, Zhang L & Zheng G Advanced Therapeutics, 2019 DOI: 10.1002/adtp.201800128 Cancer immunotherapies can elicit long term, durable responses in only a fraction of patients. As such, there is a need to increase the number of patients who can benefit from cancer immunotherapies. By virtue of their versatility andContinue Reading

Pellow C, Acconcia CN, Zheng G & Goertz DE Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2018 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/aae571 Nanobubbles hold potential for expanding utility of ultrasound contrast-based applications to extravascular targets, but their acoustic response and the effects of the surrounding environment remain relatively unexplored. Here we investigate the dynamics ofContinue Reading

Keca JM, Valic MS, Cheng MHY, Jian W, Overchuk M, Chen J & Zheng G Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2018 DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201800857 The discovery and synthesis of multifunctional organic building blocks for nanoparticles have remained challenging. Texaphyrin macrocycles are multifunctional, all‐organic compounds that possess versatile metal‐chelation capabilities and unique theranostics propertiesContinue Reading

Harmatys K, Chen J, Charron DM, MacLaughlin CM & Zheng G Angewandte Chemie, 2018 DOI: 10.1002/ange.201803535 Biomimetics are reconstructions of natural systems in engineered forms to exploit their structural or functional properties. Current biomimetics for medical applications use a single biomimetic approach to imitate natural structures, which can be insufficientContinue Reading